jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

The value of people

The chain of people, the value of favours, the mixture of phrases that help us move forward.

"I surprised everyone with my speciality,
pasta salad, for Christmas dinner
Today, I want to talk about the people, people that are vital to me in India. New friends who make me laugh, friends that explain ancient Punjabi traditions or translate interesting conversations. They are my “Pajis”, a term meaning “big brothers”.

I’ll be honest, during the Christmas season, I missed family, friends, the turrones, the roscones, and of course, thought lots about Ti… However, I took refuge in the smile of the residents of the academy. Like me, they were far from their loved ones but did not understand the reason for my sadness.

Sunny Paji, is the president of Rurka Kalan, but also a great friend who wishes me a good morning everyday. He greets me with a genuine smile and asks me if I need anything. He is a friend who in the evening joins me for a stroll around the football field, talking and dreaming of great projects. He is the friend who invites me for dinner and speaks to me with trust.

Gurinder Sir, is the operations manager, but also the friend who makes me laugh in the office and patiently translates and explains anything I do not understand.

Prateek Chawla is the project and development manager. He is young and passionate about football. He is a friend who stays up late with me to watch live games. He’s always willing to learn and develop.

Gary Paji, is the star man, not because he has over 1 million followers on facebook, but because he is a friend that talks to me about the needs of his village.

Badhu Paji, speaks Spanish and teaches me Punjabi. He is a person that you could spend hours listening to his stories. Budhu, lived in Boliva for two years, and travelled around South and Central America for 18 months.

I would also like to mention, Biri Paji, my Punjabi teacher…Raju Paji our driver… Shandip Paji, secretary and friend who is always full of optimisum…. and more, many more.

The rest is fine. A lot of children, a lot of football, courses with coaches that are willing to learn, celebrations for the “happy Lorhi” or “Maghi Festival”, and the start of the EFL, a football tournament for kids.

From somewhere within the Punjab valleys, where crops grow and sugar canes are cut, the Spanish coach that rides a bicycle is always passionate about telling his story.

Keep smiling!!!

Written by Xabi Martin Nebreda, Sport Network's volunteer

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