sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Being an intern at Sport Network

I am a graduate student of social work from the United States. I worked with Sports Network and Cooperation to complete summer internship hours through my University in Michigan. I lived in Madrid and worked in the organization’s office in Alcobendas. My experience was unbelievable! 

Working with Sports Network and Cooperation I was able to put educational skills in administration, program development, and program implementation into practice. Although I had a background in Spanish, my vocabulary improved as I navigated through the previously unfamiliar business and financial jargon. 

Organizing activities for my project
I worked in financial reporting of prior sports projects employed in Africa. Working in this, I was involved in the micro process of reviewing invoices and financial statements but also gained a macro understanding of financial revenue for non-profits in Spain and other areas in Europe. 

The director Carlos involved me in the development and reporting process of a project he was working on to implement in Zambia. Through this I learned about program implementation in Africa as well as the reporting process that took place in Spain. 

As an intern, I was also involved in project development and implementation. Initially, I collaborated and worked with Sports Network and Cooperation volunteers from the EU who implemented sports programs in the local immigration centers in Madrid. This was a great experience and was the impetus for the creation of my own project. 

Part of the team at Sport and Cooperation Network! 
I worked on the project design and collaborated with others in the organization to create “Girls and Boys on the Run,” which I implemented in two immigration centers in Madrid. The project utilized different sport games to teach a lesson on social awareness and responsibility. It was so much fun working with the children ages 5 to 11 and playing sports games with them. 

I learned about the culture of Spain and the social culture of immigration. At Sport Network I was given the freedom to be creative and design my own project but also given the support and resources I needed for implementation. It was a successful project!

            The most memorable experience I had at Sports Network and Cooperation was my trip to Italy. I and another intern accompanied the directors Carlos and Maria to Rome for a MIMOSA (Migrant Inclusion Model through Sports for All) conference. At the conference I observed the different sports organizations from all over the EU that came together to present on an array of issues. It was a great experience that taught me about non-profit collaboration and allowed me to meet individuals from all over Europe. I am grateful for this experience, and the many other great experiences I had in Spain. Thanks! 

Written by Laura Meeker, ex-intern at Sport and Cooperation Network

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